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FreeTowne Chat - Where the men are strong, the women are virtuous, and the children are all above average.
Howdy!!!! From Indiana
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I work at a rehabilitation center. I like music from the 80's. My favoritie shows areCosby Show, Roseanne, Brady Bunch and Little House on the Prairie. I have a daughter in 10th and a son in 2nd. Looking forward to meeting new chat buddies. With the same guy for almost 9 years. BASSET HOUNDS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also like Nascar, and the Los Angeles/California/Anaheim/Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. And I am very patriotic.I have learned, in the past few weeks, never take what life throws at you for granted. Cherish those who love you, and always find good in all people. All things happen for a reason. Sometimes, however, we are not sure of the reasoning at that particular time. Enjoy!

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