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FreeTowne Chat - Where the men are strong, the women are virtuous, and the children are all above average.
Fun, easy going, pretty, likes outdoors & animals
galplants's Photo at FreeTowne

pic. at Handle: Debby or galpla


They won't let me download my pics here but I do have a few at a site called ... My handle there is either galplants or Debby. I enjoy exploring Oregon, walking old logging roads & in the woods, along creek banks, hunting for stuff like Petrified wood, old bottles, etc. I have been an animal rehabilitator all my life on a very small, one on one scale. Love ALL critters. I enjoy gardening & landscape. I Like to come in at the end of the day, cook a good meal & enjoy a good movie. I'll write more later ...

see photos at My handle there is Debby or galplants.
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