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FreeTowne Chat - Where the men are strong, the women are virtuous, and the children are all above average.
briclipper's FreeTowne Profile
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hey im a people person, i love to chat and meet new ppl.what better place than here at Freetowne.I've been here for some time, tho' don't remember the exact year. its been a long time tho'. I am a hair stylist, married, between us we have 6 kids, and 4 grand babies. I love camping, swimming, hiking, and the beaches, long walks, short walks, doesn't matter as long as it's on the beach!!!which is why I moved to Fl. the warm tropical place. far away from the cold, ice, snow.... just looking for old friends that i used to talk to and making new ones. msg. me specially if you remember me. love to meet up with old friends! I am happily married to a wonderful man, enjoying life!

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