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FreeTowne Chat - Where the men are strong, the women are virtuous, and the children are all above average.
bluegl1800's FreeTowne Profile
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  I enjoy motorcycle riding, ballet and theater, art, gardening, computers, camping, canoeing, offroading (4 wheeler and Jeep), fishing, hunting(only in the fall), TV watching, going to church, playing and training my dog Joseph, he's a Komondor, his breed is from Hungary they are very rare here, I like to cook and smoke food, working out on the BowFlex and going to the gym. I'm looking for an attractive lovely lady wanting to spend the rest of her life with a very honest, kind, gentle, sincere, faithful, and caring, handsome man (I carry no extra baggage here of any kind). She must be of the same character and like interests. I would love and care for the person that want's to share their life with me, forever. I'm very sensitive, emotional, sincere, honest (I don't lie), faithful, smart (have photographic memory), loving, and romantic.
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