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FreeTowne Chat - Where the men are strong, the women are virtuous, and the children are all above average.
Hello, used to be a Freetowner 12-15 years ago
FallenAngel's Photo at FreeTowne

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I'm from the days of old... just here to see if any other old timers still come here.If any of you are still around, alive, let me know.

Freetown, one of the first and greatest chat rooms, which, sadly, is now empty most times I come and check.It was a place where online parties were wild, where so people ended up in relationships that it made soap operas seem pale by comparison. But it was also a learning place for human nature where many abused the anonymity that the internet provided. Now, walking in here feels like walking in an old high school were memories linger on the walls, where you expect to see a familiar name...
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